CfP 4th European Council of Political Research – Graduate Conference: Linking collective identity and agency: Social movements, organizations and strategic choices
Hi! See very interesting call for paper from my colleagues Lorenzo Zamponi and Markos Vogiatzoglou. Cheers! Mayo
Linking collective identity and agency: Social movements, organizations and strategic choices.
The general CfP for section 16 is asking for papers on social movements, advocacy coalitions, contentious politics, the social roots of political parties , etc..
Our panel proposal will investigate the issue of strategic choices made by Social Movements and Social Movement Organizations. We shall focus on two broad categories of determinants,
a) Time, memory and learning in movements
b) Strategy as an intertwinement of Agency and Structure.
More specifically, with regard to category (a), we are looking for papers addressing:
Processes of evolution and learning in a cycle of protest
The spillover effect and the legacies of mobilisations
Mnemonic constructions and their use by social movements and SMOs
Path-dependency in repertoire and organizational choices
With regard to category (b):
Organizational aspects: Social movements as organizational/strategic action fields
Movements’ decision-making when dealing with strong structural constraints (i.e. under repressive/authoritarian regimes).
Repertoires of actions: violence/nonviolence as a strategic choice
Cultural and institutional contexts’ influence on movements’ strategy
And in the crossroads between the two:
The influence of movement tradition: its diffusion in the national and cross-national level
Events and eventful protests as movements’ strategy determinants.
Tthe panel proposal will include 5-6 paper abstracts (approx. 300 words each). We are looking forward to making a selection based on pluralistic criteria, both in theoretical and methodological terms. We are mostly interested in papers based on empirical-oriented projects, yet we would also consider innovative theoretical approaches.
In order to finalize our panel abstract and ensure a fair and rigorous selection, we kindly ask you to send your paper abstracts by December 31st, 2011.
If you ‘re interested in participating, send an email to lorenzo.zamponi@eui.eu and/or markos.vogiatzoglou@eui.eu
Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University: Open call for fellowship applications.
Hola people!
The Berkman center fellowship program is making me happy! I strongly recomend you to apply. If you have doubths contact me.
See call bellow from nice Becca! Cheers! Mayo
The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University is happy to announce our annual open call for fellowship applications.
This call is an opportunity for a diverse range of academics and practitioners working on issues related to Internet and society to apply to be part of the Berkman fellows community in the 2012-2013 academic year. Stipends and benefits are awarded on a case-by-case basis. The application deadline is 11:59 p.m. ET on December 18, 2011.
More information about our annual open call for fellowship applications can be found at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/getinvolved/fellowships/opencall20122013.
More information about the Berkman Center Fellowship Program can be found at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/getinvolved/fellowships.
A Fellowship Program FAQ can be found at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/getinvolved/fellowships/faq.
We welcome you to read more about our fellowship opportunities below, to share this announcement with your networks, and to apply!
Many thanks, and all best,
Open Call for Fellowship Applications, Academic Year 2012-2013
The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University has opened our yearly call for fellowship applications. This opportunity is for those who wish to spend the 2012-2013 academic year as a fellow conducting research with the Berkman community.
We invite people who are working on issues related to Internet and society who are familiar to us as well as those who are not; those working on issues that overlap with ongoing Berkman interests and those who will expose us to new opportunities and approaches; scholars, practitioners, innovators and others committed to understanding and advancing the public interest; and people just beginning their work, in the midst of it, or eager to reflect.
Through this annual open call, we seek to advance our work and give it new direction, and to deepen and broaden our community.
About Berkman’s Fellowship Program
Berkman Center fellowships provide the opportunity for innovative thinkers and changemakers to hone and share ideas, find camaraderie, and spawn new initiatives. The program aims to encourage and support fellows in an inviting and rigorous intellectual environment, with community activities designed to foster inquiry and collaboration. With Berkman faculty, students, staff, and other affiliates, fellows help to develop and advance Berkman Center projects, and learn and teach through courses, curricula and diverse gatherings.
Together fellows actively participate in exchanges through a weekly fellows hour, various online media, fellows-run working groups, and a wide-range of events and interactions. Much of what makes the fellowship program rewarding is created each year by the fellows themselves to address their own interests and priorities. These innovative, entrepreneurial, collaborative ventures – ranging from goal-oriented to experimental, from rigorous to humorous – are what ensure the dynamism of the fellows, the fellowship program and the Berkman community.
Fellows are essential to the Berkman Center as nodes of intelligence, insight, energy, and knowledge-sharing. From their diverse backgrounds and wide-ranging physical and virtual travels, fellows bring fresh ideas, skills, passion and connections to the Center, and from their time spent in Cambridge help build and extend new perspectives and initiatives out into the world.
About Berkman Fellowships
An appointment that defies one-size-fits-all description, each Berkman fellowship carries a unique set of opportunities, responsibilities and expectations. All fellows engage issues related to the fairly limitless expanse of Internet & society issues, and are committed to the intellectual life of the Center and fellowship program activities. Some fellows work as researchers directly on Berkman Center projects. Other fellowships consist of independent work, such as the research and writing of a manuscript or series of papers, an event, or the development and implementation of a project or a study on issues related to the Berkman Center’s areas of inquiry. Each Berkman fellow develops and coordinates their fellowship workplan with the Center’s directors and staff.
Fellowship terms typically run the course of the academic year, roughly from the beginning of September through the end of May. In some cases, the period of appointment does not align with the US academic year. In some instances, fellows are re-appointed for consecutive fellowship terms.
While we embrace our many virtual connections, spending time together in person remains essential. In order to maximize their engagement with the community, fellows are expected to routinely spend time in and conduct much of their work from Cambridge, in most cases requiring residency. Tuesdays hold particular importance as it is the day the fellows community meets for a weekly fellows hour, in addition to it being the day we host our public luncheon series; as such, we ask that fellows commit to spending as many Tuesdays at the Center as is possible.
While fellowships are extremely competitive and our standards are accordingly high, we do not have a defined set of requirements for the fellows we select through our open call; we welcome applications from a wildly diverse pool of individuals.
Fellows come from across the disciplinary spectrum, different life paths, and are at all stages of career development. Some fellows are academics, whether students, post-docs or professors. Others come from outside academia, and include lawyers, philosophers, activists, technologists, entrepreneurs, journalists and other types of practitioners.
The commonality between all Berkman fellows is an interest in the Internet and a commitment to spending the period of their fellowship studying it.
Commitment to Diversity
The work and well-being of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society are strengthened profoundly by the diversity of our network and our differences in background, culture, experience, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, and much more. We actively seek and welcome applications from people of color, women, the LGBTQ community, and persons with disabilities, as well as applications from researchers and practitioners from across the spectrum of disciplines and methods. The roots of this deep commitment are many and, appropriately, diverse. We are not nearly far enough along in this regard, and we may never be. It is a constant process in which there remains much to learn. We welcome your inquiries, comments and ideas on how we may continue to improve.
Stipends, Benefits, and Access to University Resources
Stipends: Fellowships awarded through the open call for applications are rarely stipended. Some fellows receive partial stipends – the award of such a stipend is based on the nature of the responsibilities the applicant would assume while a fellow, and their relation, relevance, and application to Berkman’s funded projects. Most fellows receive no direct funding or stipend through the Berkman Center, but rather have obtained funding through other means, such as an outside grant or award, a home institution, or other forms of scholarship.
Benefits: Fringe benefits do not routinely accompany Berkman fellowships. Fellows must make their own housing, insurance, childcare, and transportation arrangements.
Office Space: Most Berkman fellows work out of the greater-Boston area and spend a significant amount of time at the Berkman Center. There are many desks and workspaces available for flexible use at the Berkman Center, though few fellows are given their own permanent desk or office. We endeavor to provide comfortable and productive spaces for fellows to work, even if it is not the same space each day. Fellows are welcome to host small meetings and gatherings at the Center and on the Harvard campus.
Access to University Resources: A Harvard ID is a key into many of Harvard’s resources, including access to the Harvard library network (including checkout privileges and access to the University’s e-resources), the ability to purchase University health insurance, and the ability to purchase Harvard gym membership. At present, we are not able to routinely provide Harvard IDs to fellows, though some IDs are issued based on need, funding, and other administrative reasons. Berkman fellows bringing their own funding via scholarships or other financial support have the opportunity to pay the University appointment fees necessary to issue an ID. Physical access into Langdell Library (the Harvard Law School Library) can be arranged for all Berkman fellows. Berkman fellows wishing to audit classes at Harvard University must ask permission directly from the professor of the desired class.
Additional Information about the Berkman Center
The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University is a research program founded to explore cyberspace, share in its study, and help pioneer its development. Founded in 1997, through a generous gift from Jack N. and Lillian R. Berkman, the Center now is home to an ever-growing community of faculty, fellows, staff, and affiliates working on projects that span the intersections among innovation, democracy, learning, law, technology, and policy. More information can be found at: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu.
Required Application Materials
1.) A current resume or CV.
2.) A personal statement which should a) frame your motivation for applying for a Berkman Center fellowship and b) outline the work you propose to conduct during a fellowship. This statement should be roughly 1,000 – 1,500 words or a multi-media equivalent.
3.) A copy of a recent publication or piece of your work that is related to Internet research. It should be on the order of a paper, chapter, or presentation – not an entire book or dissertation – and should be in English.
4.) Two letters of reference, to be sent directly from the referrer to Rebecca Tabasky at rtabasky@cyber.law.harvard.edu.
To Apply for a 2012-2013 Academic Year Fellowship Through Our Open Call
Applications will be completed through a combination of online webform submission (through which you will submit information and attach digital copies of application materials 1-3) and receipt of the letters of recommendation directly from your references.
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through 11:59 p.m. ET on December 18, 2011. Incomplete applications and applications received after the application deadline will not be accepted or reviewed.
Our online application webform can be found at: https://cyber.law.harvard.edu/forms/fellows_app.cgi.
Letters of recommendation should be sent directly from the referrer to Rebecca Tabasky at rtabasky@cyber.law.harvard.edu.
If you have further questions about our open call for fellowship applications, please check out our fellowship program FAQ where you might find an answer.
If you have questions that are not addressed in our FAQ, please contact Rebecca Tabasky at rtabasky@cyber.law.harvard.edu.
Forum Building Digital Commons and Collaborative Communities 29th – 30th October 2011, Barcelona, Catalonia & Online http://www.digital-commons.net
Hope “commoners” around would join online or/and offline!
(Please help to spread the word)
Forum Building Digital Commons and Collaborative Communities
29th – 30th October 2011, Barcelona, Catalonia & Online http://www.digital-commons.net
Building Digital Commons and Collaborative Communities is a new initiative aiming to bring together individuals, collective and organizations from different Free and Open Collaborative Communities, Digital Commons Initiatives and Researchers in the area to identify ways to support and learn from each other and collaborate in order to promote together digital commons.
The new technologies offered a big opportunity to create, innovate and collaborate to share and build information and knowledge resources. However, we are living challenging times, with an ongoing growth of the enclosure of the commons.
i) We want to promote the “makers” and “ doers” approach: To increase the visibility of the initiatives that are based on building digital commons.
ii) Systematize experiences & learn from each other (at the legal, infrastructural, sustainable, participation and governance levels).
ii) Map the digital public spaces and promote common actions
iv) Create public procommons references: To underline the distinction between the governance of digital commons and other forms of corporate-providers not based on free and open infrastructure.
v) Build bridges between action and research on commons as a form of governance, production and horizon for social transformation.
We will address collaboratively and critically a series of working lines:
1. Participation and engagement in communities
2. Sustainability formulas and dialogue between social digital economy and cooperativism
3. Mapping a variety of digital commons initiatives and to define a common strategy
A “How to manual on digital commons: participation engagement, sustainability formulas and over all digital commons networking” and a “Digital commons alliance/network” will be the resulting outcomes of the event.
When and Where?
29th and 30th of October 2011 physically at the CCCB ( 5th Montalegre str. – Aula 1) (Barcelona) and online at: http://www.digital-commons.net
See program: http://www.digital-commons.net/program/
Building Digital Commons built upon and is celebrated in continuation with the Free Culture Forum (http://www.fcforum.net) in order to facilitate the connexion of collaborative communities building digital commons with other groups advocating for the rights of free culture and knowledge (as Free Culture Forum’s participants: artists, musicians, activists and lobbies for digital rights, among others).
How to participate and keep informed?
To attend physically register at: www.digital-commons.net/form/registration
Keep updated and participate online:
Identica & Twitter: @dimmons_forum
Facebook: ForumGlobal Dimmons
IRC: #Dimmons
Visit www.digital-commons.net for the streaming
Engage with the event documentation and collaborative writing at: wiki.digital-commons.net
Looking forward to hearing back from you!
Building Digital Commons is an initiative promoted by Institute of Government and Public Policies – Autonomous University of Barcelona (http://igop.uab.cat) and Amical Viquipedia (http://www.viquimedia.cat), and supported by the Wikimedia Foundation (http://wikimediafoundation.org).
Fòrum Procomú Digital i Comunitats Col·laboratives
Marca’t la data al calendari! – 29, 30 d’octubre a Barcelona (Catalunya) i en xarxa: http://www.digital-commons.net
Fòrum Procomú Digital i Comunitats Col·laboratives és una nova iniciativa destinada a reunir persones, col·lectius i organitzacions de diferents Comunitats Col·laborativas Lliures i Obertes, Iniciatives de Béns Comuns Digitals i investigadors i investigadores en l’àrea amb la finalitat d’identificar formes d’aprendre mutuament i col·laborar per a promoure conjuntament els béns comuns digitals.
Per què?
Les noves tecnologies van oferir-nos una gran oportunitat per crear, innovar i col·laborar en l’intercanvi i creació de recursos d’informació i coneixements. No obstant això, vivim en un temps ple de desafiaments, amb cada vegada un major encerclament dels commons.
Volem destacar l’enfocament del fer i crear: Per augmentar la visibilitat de les comunitats que construeixen béns comuns digitals.
Sistematitzar les experiències i aprendre mútuament (a nivell legal, d’infraestructura, sostenible, de participació i d’auto-govern).
Traçar un plànol del procomú digital i promoure accions comunes.
Crear referències a favor del domini públic: Per remarcar la diferència entre la infraestructura online lliure i oberta i sota governança comuna i altres formes de provisió d’infraestructura online corporativa.
Construir ponts entre l’acció i la investigació en el procomú com una forma de govern, producció i l’horitzó de la soci-transformació.
Tractarem de forma col·laborativa i crítica una sèrie de línies de treball:
Participació en comunitats
Sostenibilitat: Dialogue entre la economia social digital i noves formes de cooperativisme
Promoure i Mapar les iniciatives procomunes digitals i recolzar una estratègia comuna
Com a resultat de la trobada es construirà conjuntament i difondrà un “Manual sobre/per procomuns digitals: participació, sostenibilitat & networking” i es promourà una “Aliança/xarxa de Bens Comuns Digitals”.
Quan i on?
29 i 30 d’octubre de 2011 presencialment a Barcelona (CCCB – Montalegre, 5 – Aula 1) i en xarxa a www.digital-commons.net
Veure el programa: http://www.digital-commons.net/program/
Construint procomú digital es celebra a continuació del Fòrum de Cultura Lliure (http://www.fcforum.net) per afavorir el contacte entre les comunitats col.laboratives en torn a bens comuns digitals amb altres grups que promouen els drets digitals (com ara artistes, musics, activistes, o lobbistes particpants al Fcforum).
Com participar i mantenir-se informat?
Per participar presencialment registre’t en: www.digital-commons.net/form/registration
Mantén-te informat i participa online a:
Identica i Twitter: @dimmonsforum
Facebook: ForumGlobal Dimmons
IRC: #Dimmons
Visita www.digital-commons.net per veure l’streaming
Participa en la documentació i redacció col.laborativa del temes: wiki.digital-commons.net
Per a més informació, posa’t en contacte amb info@digital-commons.net. Estarem encantats/des de rebre els seus comentaris!
Digital Commons Forum és una iniciativa promoguda per l’Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (http://igop.uab.cat) i Amical Viquipèdia (http://www.viquimedia.cat), i recolzat per la Fundació Wikimedia (http://wikimediafoundation.org).
Foro Construyendo el Procomún Digital y Comunidades Colaborativas
Reserve la fecha – 29, 30 Octubre, Barcelona, Cataluña y en red en http://www.digital-commons.net
Foro Construyendo el Procomún Digital y Comunidades Colaborativas és una nueva iniciativa destinada a reunir individuos, colectivos y organizaciones vinculadas a diferentes Comunidades Colaborativas Libres y Abiertas, Iniciativas de Bienes Comunes Digitales e Investigadores e Investigadoras en el área con el fin de identificar formas de apoyarnos y aprender las unas de las otras y colaborar para promover juntas los bienes comunes digitales.
¿Por qué?
Las nuevas tecnologías brindaran una gran oportunidad para crear, innovar y colaborar en el intercambio y creación de recursos de información y conocimientos. Sin embargo, vivimos en tiempos de desafíos, con cada vez un mayor cercamiento de los commons digitales.
i) Queremos destacar el enfoque del hacer y el crear: Para aumentar la visibilidad de las iniciativas que se basan en crear bienes comunes digitales.
ii) Sistematizar las experiencias y aprender mutuamente (a nivel legal, infraestructural, sostenible, de participación y gobierno).
ii) Trazar un plano de los commons digitales y promover acciones en común.
iii) Crear referentes a favor del dominio público: para remarcar la diferencia entre la gobernanza de los bienes comunes digitales basados en infraestructura libre y abierta y otros proveedores de infraestructura corporativos o con intereses privados.
iv) Construir puentes entre la acción y la investigación en los commons como una forma de gobierno, producción y el horizonte de transformación social.
Trataremos de forma colaborativa y critica una serie de líneas de trabajo:
i) Participación en comunidades creativas
ii) Sostenibilidad: Dialogo entre la economía social digital y nuevas formas de cooperativismo
iii) Mapar las diversas iniciativas de bienes comunes digitales, promover proyectos conjuntos y definir una estrategia común.
Como resultado del encuentro construirá conjuntamente y difundirá un “Manual sobre/por el procomún digital: participación, sostenibilidad & networking” y se promoverá una “Alianza/red de Bienes Comunes Digitales”.
¿Cuando y donde?
El 29 y 30 de Octubre de 2011 presencialmente en Barcelona (CCCB – Montalegre, 5 – Aula 1) o en red en en www.digital-commons.net
Consultar el programa: http://www.digital-commons.net/program/
Construyendo procomú digital se celebra en continuación del Foro de Cultura Libre (http://www.fcforum.limpio) para favorecer el contacto entre las comunidades colaborativas en torno a comunes digitales con otros grupos que promueven los derechos digitales (como por ejemplo artistas, music@s, activistas, o lobbistas particpantes en el Fcforum).
¿Cómo participar y mantenerse informad@?
Para participar presencialmente registrarse en: www.digital-commons.net/form/registration
Para mantenerse informad@ i participar en red:
Identica y Twitter: @dimmons_forum
Facebook: ForumGlobal Dimmons
IRC: #Dimmons
Visita www.digital-commons.net para acceder al streaming
Participa en la documentación y redacción colaborativa sobre los temas en wiki.digital-commons.net.
Para más información, contacta con info@digital-commons.net. ¡Estaremos encantad@s de recibir tus comentarios o sugerencias!
Building Digital Commons és una iniciativa promovida por el Instituto de Gobierno y Políticas Públicas – Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (http://igop.uab.cat) y Amical Viquipedia (http://www.viquimedia.cat), y apoyada por la Fundación Wikimedia (http://wikimediafoundation.org).