Entrevista publicada en Rebelion.org sobre organización política y nuevas tecnologias
Mayo Fuster Morell: “[…] las TIC, junto con otros procesos, crean un marco que favorece cierto tipo de relaciones y dinámicas organizativas y dificulta otros”. http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=96199
Hoy aparece publicada en Rebelion.org una entrevista que me hicieron Josep Bel y Salvador López Arnal sobre organización política y nuevas tecnologías y otras temáticas vinculadas al Foro de la cultura libre y acceso al conocimiento.
Hacer la entrevista fue una experiencia en si misma de la que aprendi. Algunas de las preguntas me resultaban muy chocantes. Pero el ejercicio me ayudo a enterder como se perciven las lógicas organizativas emergentes (mediadas por las nuevas tecnologias) y las propuestas de la cultura libre desde ambitos políticos sindicalistas y de “clásica” izquierda radical.
Si leeis la entrevista me interesaria mucho saber que opinais al respecto. Gracias, Mayo
Living congress: IV CONGRESO DE LA CIBERSOCIEDAD “Crisis analógica, Futuro digital”
(Synthesis of the posts for English speakers: the IV Congres of Cybersociety is the greaters online congress I know off. It is great in its content and in its original “virtual” format. Not need to travel to enjoy it!!! Visit the congress
You could also check out my plenary on the “Context, experiences and conclusions of the Free culture forum”: Plenary)
Si no conoceis ya el Congreso de la Ciber sociedad lo recomiendo vivamente!!!! El programa es estupendo y no tendras que coger un avion para participar, ni siquiera avandonar tu sofa. Es un congreso interactivo “online”. Esta muy bien por su contenido y enfoque; y por la originalidad de un formato “innovador”, que siendo ya el IV que se celebra, esta muy perfeccionado. Es internacional, cuenta con una amplia participacion desde Latino-America. Es todo un placer.
Por otra parte, estoy muy contenta de contaros que me invitaros a que hiziera una de las plenarias del congreso donde en la que presento ” “Contexto, experiencias y conclusiones del Free Culture Forum” . El video de mi plenaria, junto con una presentacion en texto y los comentarios de participantes esta disponible aqui: Resumen intervencion y video.
Viva el Congres de la Cybersocietat!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Personal Democracy Forum at Barcelona
I am fellow at the Personal Democracy Forum Europe. The PDF Europe will take place at Barcelona 20-21 November 2009. I was happyly surprised when I first knew about PDF, which happened while I was living in Berkeley in the fall of 2008. I founded the format quiet in the trend of other events in USA (where even hackers meet in big hotels with fees and people ask you if they have to pay to attend whatever even), but was very curious about the content.
Create spaces (and this one was created in 2004!, much before Obama effect) to specifically address the issue on how technology is and could change politics is something to celebrate. Academia is much more begind. Considering for example that only until this last summer (2009) the European Council of Political Research (main conference on political research in Europe) didn’t dedicate a section to politics and internet!
However, I am less convenced on some of the decisions in the migration of the PDF to Europe and particularly Barcelona. Why to make it (more when it is about a forum on changing politics) in a luxurious building (Torre Algar)? Plus an entrance cost of 350 euros (or 250 reduction) is too much for the overall wage in the Spanish State. Even among professionals of the area or researchers (where the precarity means “milenauristas” or worths). I couldn’t afford to attend the PDF if I wouldn’t be grant as a fellow. I also think a more “contamination” of the program from the vibrant transformation sphere at Barcelona would benefit it. In Barcelona things can be done in other ways (and the www.fcforum.net is an illustration of it). But let’s see, I am curios to see what emerge in the discussions which include:
- Pan-European politics: Can the internet connect the dots?
- New possibilities for collaborative government
- Using the internet to open up politics outside the parties
- Transparency and participation: What is real e-government?
- What should European politicians and parties learn from the Obama victory?
- Using social media to transform the relationship between voters and their representatives
- State of the art politech: how to use mobile, video and social networking to advance your cause
- New media vs traditional media: how to navigate the new environment
I am particularly interested on see a cross discussion between the Europe approuch regarding democratic transformation (with the keyword PARTICIPATION: increase channels for citizens participation in the decision-making) and USA approuch (with the keyword TRANSPARENCY: open up the data generated by the public administration and goverment to citizens, to know what is going on (particularly regarding lobbies and organic correcption) but also for citizens engagement in the data systematization to sustain claims and increase goverment efficiency). They are not the same but an hybridism between the best of each could result fruitfull.
Take a look at the web: