
Big News Launching of the “Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge”



I am very proud of announcing the launching of the “Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge”.

I am very proud also of being a co-author of it.

The Charter is the result of the First International Forum on Free Culture and access to knowledge which took place at Barcelona (October 29 to November 1 2009).

A broad coalition from over 20 countries, of hundreds of thousands of citizens, users, consumers, organizations, artists, hackers, members of the free culture movement, economists, lawyers, teachers, students, researchers, scientists, activists, workers, unemployed, entrepreneurs, creators… has been also created and it is under the Charter.

Citizens of the digital era stanp up to full fill the potential of the digital era  in increasing freedom, justice and rewarding for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We invite all citizens to make this Charter theirs, spread it and practice it.

We invite all the governments, multinationals and institutions urgently to listen to it, understand it and enforce it.

The Charter is availeble at: http://fcforum.net/

Or Download the Charter at: http://fcforum.net/files/CHARTER_short.pdf

Video of my presentation at Wikimania on The Governance of Wikimedia


It was an honor to present my research on the governance of digital commons at the Wikimania 2009 (Annual meeting point oif Wikipedians).

Wikimania as a whole was a pleasure (I enjoyed and learned many things on the Wikimedia complexity) and an energizing experience. The Argentinian organizers did a fantastic job.

My presentation was centered on the Wikimedia case study.  If you like to see the video of the presentation you could see it here:


The video of the other presentations and sessions at Wikimania are availeble here: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Wikimania_2009_presentations

I hope that you like the presentations. Comments and suggestions welcome! Mayo