Techno Networking @ San Francisco Bay Area
Hello! Why San Francisco Bay Area is so creative and technological innovative? One reason is becouse the great networking events. See one below which I am attending. Kisses! Mayo
2008 Nonprofit Software Development Summit
17 November, 2008 – 19 November, 2008
Oakland, California
Are you a developer writing code to support nonprofit needs? Are you a nonprofit user with strong opinions about what software you need developed to empower your programs and operations? Are you someone who just cares about seeing better technology developed to address the broad range of issues we face as a global community?
The 2008 Nonprofit Software Development Summit will be the second annual convening of people and organizations developing software tools, web applications and other technology to support social justice causes. Bringing together a diverse range of developers, technologists, managers, eRiders, integrators, users and other practitioners who self-identify under the umbrella of roles around “developing nonprofit software”, the 2008 DevSummit will provide an opportunity both to gather as a community and to take stock of the field, while building connections and capacity.
The Summit will take place at Preservation Park in Oakland, California, from November 17th to 19th, 2008. Additional code sprints and collaborations will scheduled on the 2 days following the event.
Register Now! Sliding scale registrations are available!
See Accommodation and Transportation Information, and send any outstanding questions or comments you have to info@aspirationtech.org.
And feel free to join the Event Mailing List to participate in discussions about the Summit!
Goals of the Summit
The Summit will have as its primary goals the following:
- To convene and strengthen connections between the networks of stakeholders in the nonprofit software ecosystem, providing a fun and creative environment for celebrating successes and leadership in the field.
- To share skills and knowledge in a highly collaborative, peer-to-peer fashion.
- To map and discuss what is available and what is missing across the nonprofit software landscape in specific software “verticals”, and to posit solutions for addressing the gaps.
- To offer a point of entry for software developers interested in offering their skills to nonprofit sector.
The agenda will take a concrete and hands-on approach to topics and challenges, focusing on transferring skills and process knowledge in interactive and fun ways. Panels and slideware will be in short supply, supplanted by participant-driven collaborations and small-group formats.
Event partners working with Aspiration to design the agenda and sessions include Blue Oxen Associates, Brattleboro Technology Collective, Chandler, Change.org, Chicago Technology Cooperative, CiviCRM, Craigslist Foundation, DemocracyInAction, Drupal, EarthJustice, Floatleft, Joomla!, MAPLight, Nonprofit Open Source Initiative (NOSI), The Open Planning Project, PICnet, Radical Designs, Salesforce.com Foundation, SproutBuilder, TechCafeteria, Tim Bishop and United States Institute of Peace.
As with all Aspiration events, the agenda will be extremely participant-driven, developed in collaboration with participants and session facilitators. Sessions already confirmed for the event include:
- Open Source CMS Mini-Summit
- Assessing Security for Nonprofit Web Apps
- Listening to Users and Designing Appropriate Tools
- eAdvocacy Platform and API survey
- Open Source Case Management
- The State of Nonprofit CRM
- API Review: Where Are We At With Tool and Platform Integration?
- Business Models for Nonprofit Software Development
- Building Usability into Nonprofit Tools
- Software Project Management
- Engineering for Accessibility and Inclusion
- Helping Non-Techies and Techies Build Successful Software Projects
- Going Green: Serving Sites on Less Carbon
Register Now! Sliding scale registrations are available!
We hope to see you in Oakland in November!
Algunos recursos (menos conocidos) vinculados a la Wikinomics
Este blog es útil. Hacen frecuentes report actualizando sobre nuevos datos o experiencias de suceso.
Link al seminario que organiza Todd Davies en Standford sobre tema relacionados (aunque desde un punto de vista critico). Cuenta con una selección bibliografica muy amplia y rica, algunas cosas pienso que pueden ser útiles:
Web de los que propusieron el concepto de Web 2.0. En el artículo en el que proponen What is web 2.0? no explican como las empresas generan beneficio pero O’Reilly describe los patterns que han hecho exitosas las aplicaciones Web 2.0 en contraste con el enfoque del fallido dotcom.
Por último, es muy interesante ver la riqueza del tercer sector aquí en California. A parte de las grandes compañias de communicación, hay mucho tejido organizado entorno a non-proffit technology sector que se sostiene bien. Powell ha hecho un estudio de este non-proffit sector, aunque no centrado en las nuevas tecnologias (http://www.stanford.edu/group/song/woody_index.html). Es interesante ver como aqui se crean como distritos industriales de empresas de non-proffit technology, se juntan en centros y aunque hacen cosas muy parecidas estar juntos les beneficia.
The Great Rehearsal? The World Revolution of 1968 – San Francisco September 2008
Ei! Take a look to a very rich series of activities reviewing the 68 organized at San Francisco and Berkeley.
As part of the activities I have been invited to make an intervention on “Even newer social movements? Virtual communities” at the session “What new social movements?”
The Great Rehearsal? The World Revolution of ‘68 @ University of San Francisco. 20 September 2008 http://www.greatrehearsal.org/
Suggestions on similarities and disruptions between the organizational logic at the 68’2 movements and the online collective action are welcome!