Publications (per issues)
Governance online communities, common base peer production, online environments, techno-political tools, digital rights
• PEER REVIEWED ARTICLE: Subirats, J. & Fuster Morell, M. (2010). En y desde Internet. Participación política y Espacios virtuales. En Robles, Jose Manuel (Coord). Practicas políticas y nuevas tecnologias: Un acercamiento a la idea de democracia digital. Monográfico para Arbor. Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura. CSIC. Forthcoming.
• PEER REVIEWED ARTICLE: Fuster Morell, M. (2010). La participazione nella comunità di creazione online. Participazione come eco-sistema. I casi di i Wikipedia. Politica dil dirito. Il Molino nº: 2, June 2010 (Italy). Ed. Il Molino. Forthcoming.
• CONFERENCE PAPER: Fuster Morell, M. (2010). Commercial providers of platforms of participation online: Flickr case study. 5th European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) summer workshop: “Social Movements, Civil Societies and Corporations”- Organization Studies Journal, Margaux, France, 26 to 28 of May,
• CONFERENCE PAPER: Fuster Morell, M. (2010).
• CHAPTER BOOK: Fuster Morell, M. (2010). Participacion en communidades online y democracia radical. En Angel Calle. Aproximaciones a la democracia radical. Icaria Editorial. Forthcoming.
• CONFERENCE PAPER: Fuster Morell, M. (2010).
• POLITICAL MANIFESTO: Co-author: Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge, 2009.
• ARTICLES COMPILATION: Fuster Morell, M. (Ed.) (2009) Organizational principles and political implications of free culture: A reader. International forum on free culture – Barcelona October 30 2009.
• CONFERENCE PAPER: Fuster Morell, M. (2009). Governance of online creation communities: Provision of platforms of participation for the building of digital commons, Self-provision model: Social forums case study. Internet & Politics section, European Council of Political Research General Conference, Potsdam, September 2009.
• ARTICLES COMPILATION: Fuster Morell, M. (Ed.) (2008). Seminar reader Networked Politics and technology. School of information. University of California, Berkeley, 6 & 7 December 2008.
• CONFERENCE PAPER: Fuster Morell, M. (2008). Social Forums and Technology: Hypothesis on why online communities promoted by Social Forums don’t easily scale. In M. Fuster Morell, Seminar reader “Networked Politics and Technology”. School of Information UC Berkeley, 6 & 7 December 2008.
• ARTICLE: Fuster Morell, M. (Ed.) (2009). Online creation communities for the building of digital commons: Participation as an eco-system?. In M. Fuster Morell (Ed.) (2009). Organizational principles and political implications of free culture: A reader. International forum on free culture – Barcelona October 30 2009.
• BOOK CHAPTER: Fuster Morell, M. (2007). Strumenti tecno-politici. In Transform! Italia Parole di una nuova política. Edizioni XL: Roma. Abstract: Questo paper presenta una definizione de i strumenti tecno-politici. Strumenti tecno-politici referiti a una strategia dei movimenti socialie ad una varietáricca di esperienze che condividono vari elementi in comune: come basarsi sulla applicazione delle tecnologie con obiettivi politici; il mettere in luce una metodologia di swarming decentralizzato; un ambiente di collaborazione ed aperto; la sistematizzazione della conoscenza generata tramite i processi di mobilizzazione; e la costruzione collettiva della memoria sociale. Ed allora invita a riflettere sulle problematiche e sulle potenzialità degli strumenti tecno-politici: Che cosa rende uno strumento online uno strumento pro-democratico? Come “distribuire” la proprieta di tali strumenti? Quali sono le differenze fra gli attrezzi tecno-politici ed i websites di networking sociale (come: Myspace, Flirch e cose via)?
• ARTICLE IN PRESS: Fuster Morell, M. (2007). 2022: Un somni obert per les noves teconlogies. Revista Illacrua. N 150. Juny 2007. Abstract: As part of a collective review addressing the question of Which will be the social movements at Catalonia in 15 years time in 2022?, Fuster present some lines on the angle of how the new technologies of information could affect the further development of the social movements. In specific she reviews how the Internet could support the freedom and the lack of freedom in the political action. And how the new technologies plus other factors, are contributing to a more flexible, open and multiple political organization form.
• WORKSHOP PAPER: Fuster Morell, M. (2006). Transnational Social Movements and information and communication technologies: The case of European Social Forum adopting pro-participative technologies. Presentation at the workshop: Transnational social movements: organizational networks, discourses and repertoire of action – European University Institute. December 2006.
• ARTICLE IN PRESS: Fuster Morell, M. (2003). Infoaction: Infoespai experiencia. Information Issue, Green Pepper Magazine: The Netherlands, December 2003.
Social movements, new forms of political organizing
• BOOK: Colectivo político en Red (2998). Repensar la política en la era de los movimientos y las redes. Published in Icaria Editorial, Barcelona. Abstract: The world of our days draws a disquieting scene for who believes in peace, social justice, the communal properties and ecology. On the one hand, the traditional institutions of democratic control are exhausted; by the other, the great movements of protest, so visible on the eve of the invasion of Iraq, have rooted more in their local contexts, without leaving the global connections. A shift of paradigm in the transforming political thought is taking place: a distance of the concepts of political vanguard and traditional and parliamentary forms of representation and a distance of unit forms that do not include the diversity and the plurality and the creation of cooperation relations and deliberation; and an openness to principles of monumentality and direct or participative democracy. On these new proposals to draft new type of institutions treats this book, forms that recognize that the nucleus of the change is outside the traditional institutions, in the conflicts and movements of the amplest society.
• BOOK: Fuster Morell, M, Wainwright, H. & Berlinguer, M. (2007). Rethinking political organisation in an age of movements and networks. XL Editorial: Rome.
• e-BOOK: Fuster Morell, M., Wainwright, H., Subirats, J. & Berlinguer, M. (Ed.) (2007) Networked Politics – Rethinking political organization in an age of movements and networks. Seminar Networked Politics June 2007, Berlin. Transfrom! Italia , Transnational Institute – New Politics, Institut de Govern the Polítiques Públiques – IGOP and Euromovement.
• e-BOOK: Fuster Morell, M., Wainwright, H. & Berlinguer, M. (Ed.) (2006) Networked Politics – A reader. Seminar Networked Politics October 2006, Barcelona. Transfrom! Italia , Transnational Institute ( – New Politics, Institut de Govern the Polítiques Públiques – IGOP and developed in cooperation with Euromovements.
• CHAPTER BOOK: Fuster Morell, M., Vergel, M, Juris, J, & Duran, E. (2005). Logica cultural de les xarxes i transformació social. En Investigaccio. Recerca activista i moviments socials. El Viajo Topo Ed: Barcelona.
• CHAPTER BOOK: Fuster Morell, M., Marti, M, Alfama, E. & Gonzalez, R. (2005). Evolucio dels movimients socials metropolitans: experiencies comparades de treball glocal. En Investigaccio. Recerca activista i moviments socials. El Viajo Topo Ed.: Barcelona.
• e-BOOK: Reyes, O., Wainwright, H., Fuster Morell, M. & Berlinguer, M. (Ed.). (2004). European Social Forum: Debating its challenges for its future, Ed Euromovements online.
• ARTICLE: Fuster Morell, M. (2004). Investigaction and the Social Forums. European Social Forum: Debating its challenges for its future– Ed Euromovements online.
• ESSAY: Fuster Morell, M. (2004). The invisible network: People Global Action. Mute Magazine. Culture and politics after the net, n. 28, London.
• ESSAY: Fuster Morell, M. (2004) Ecotopia. Red Pepper Magazine, September 2004, London.
• BOOK: Grup d accio Gloca (2003). Guia Util per la Transformacio Social a Catalunya (Useful Guide for Social Transformation in Catalunya). Edicions Col.lectives: Barcelona.
• CONFERENCE PRESENTATION: Fuster Morell, M. (2002). Participaci juvenil en el ambit europeu de les xarxes internacionals de moviments socials. Categoria joves al Foro Social Europeu (Youth Participation in International Networks of Social Movements in the European context. The use of the category Youth at the European Social Forum), Minutes Forum de la Joventut, Universitat de Lleida (Youth Forum, Lleida University).
• DOSSIER: Fuster Morell, M. (2001). Participacion de las ONGD en el movimiento antiglobalizacion: El caso de la Campaña contra el Banco Mundial, Bardecola 2001. (NGOs Participation in the anti-globalisation movement. The case of the Campaign against the World Bank, Barcelona 2001). Instituto de cooperacion y desarrollo (Institute for co-operation and development), Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Action participation research
• PEER-REVIEW ARTICLE: Fuster Morell, M. (2010) Action research: mapping the nexus of research and political action. Interface Journey. Issue one: Movements knowledge.
• e-BOOK: Fuster Morell, M. & Hache, A. (2005). Activist research: practice(s) to challenge the investigaction. Ed Euromovement online.
• BOOK: Colective Investigaccio. (2005). Recerca activista i moviments socials. Ed. El Viejo Topo: Barcelona.
• ARTICLE IN PRESS: Fuster Morell, M. (2003). Activist research?. Green Pepper Magazine, Information Issue. The Netherlands, December 2003.
Social and cultural anthropology
• PEER REVIEWED ARTICLE: Fuster Morell, M. (2002). Antropologia i politica: Una bibliografia (Anthropology and politics: A bibliography). Ethnographic magazine of Catalunya.
• CONFERENCE PRESENTATION: Fuster Morell, M. (2000). La peste: Maneras de vivirla y sus interpretaciones (The plague: Life and interpretation), Minutes 8 Anthropological International Congress, Lisbon, September 2000, ISCTE.
• ARTICLE IN PRESS: Fuster Morell, M. & Sanchez, N. (2000). Pensar lo humano, pensar la cultura (To think human; to think culture). En firmas invitadas. Periódico Levante Valenciano. 10 Septiembre 2000
• BOOK CHAPTER: Fuster Morell, M. (1999). Analysis of the evolution of women participation in Valencian festivals: The pirate: From pirates woman to captain of the pirates. Llibre de festes 1999. Ed: city Hall of Oliva.
• UNPUBLISHED GRADUATE THESIS: Fuster Morell, M, (1998). The Social Image of the Religious Sects. Dept. Of Social Anthropology and Philosofy, University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona.